Engineering Lifecycle Management (ELM) Deployment Package – Waterfall

    This service primarily benefits organizations (or programs) using traditional or waterfall processes and who are new to ELM, or those who are looking to accelerate its successful deployment.

    IBM Engineering Workflow Management Administration and Project Management

    This course teaches participants how to deploy, configure, and track projects using EWM. It also shows participants how to administer and manage the EWM repository including users, licenses, and project areas.

    IBM Engineering Workflow Management for Developers

    This course shows developers how to collaborate using these software best practices with EWM. The class discusses task management, source control, build management, and dashboards. Participants learn how to collaborate on source changes, baseline software versions, build those changes, and view progress in dashboards. Participants also learn advanced EWM topics including multi-stream development, custom work types, and supporting reviews.
