We have helped our clients:
  • Increase productivity by 25-75%
  • Reduce development costs by 50-60%
  • Accelerate time to market by 20-40%

SAFe provided the agility, visibility, and transparency needed to ensure we could integrate with numerous other efforts, get predictable in our delivery, and ensure timelines are met.

David McMunn
Director of COE, Fannie Mae

Rhapsody with Test Conductor Integration to ETM - Packaged Service

The idea of a digital twin is gaining widespread use across numerous industries. One of its main benefits is testing earlier in the development process. This testing catches defects when they are much cheaper to fix. One way to implement this is to use Rhapsody in concert with ETM. Rhapsody can be used to create an executable model that can simulate system behavior. This can be connected to ETM with Test Conductor so test cases can be executed from within Rhapsody. This allows for architecture to be verified before development of the system begins.

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  • Connect Test Cases from ETM to Rhapsody

  • Allows for testing to be done in the model via simulation

  • Pulls testing for architecture to the left as no development is needed to test high level requirements


  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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