IBM Rational Telelogic Synergy Release Administration | Training
This course has been designed to help those people who have a role in maintaining Telelogic Synergy within an enterprise.
The people who undertake this administration may have very different roles and backgrounds within individual enterprises.
In some enterprises, the day-to-day administration of Telelogic Synergy is undertaken by Systems Administrators or the members of an IT Support team. Such people are expert in the Operating Systems used, and may well be experienced in the configuration and management of the relational databases used by Synergy – Informix and Oracle. This course is aimed at giving these people some insight into the Telelogic Synergy Configuration Management tool so that they are better equipped to understand the queries and concerns of their users, and to provide some useful pointers to current best practice in the administration of the tool. We expect these administrators to incorporate the Telelogic Synergy administration into their daily IT admin systems.
The other enterprises, the day-to-day administration of the Telelogic Synergy Configuration Management tool is delegated to users outside of the Systems Administration or IT support teams. In some of the larger enterprises, there may well be a “Tool Support Group” or a Configuration Management Team, who, as part of their duties, undertake the high level administration of the tool as described in this training. Many enterprises – particularly the smaller enterprises or those where smaller development teams are working in a relatively agile manner – have some of the Telelogic Synergy Build Managers involved in the day-to-day administration of the tool: the build managers take responsibility, for example, for the daily backups and the associated checks.
This course is aimed at providing these people with the necessary skills to manage the Telelogic Synergy tool as part of their normal activities. Telelogic Synergy provides command line commands to manage users, to undertake daily backups and to maintain database integrity.
You should have:
- either familiarity with standard system administration duties
- or experience of using Telelogic Synergy as a build manager or configuration manager
- Familiarity with command-line interface for either UNIX (or Linux) or Windows operating systems
- Maintain and administer the IBM Rational Telelogic Synergy tool on a day-to-day basis
- Describe how Telelogic Synergy stores object versions and how the Telelogic Synergy database is constructed
- Prepare for the maintenance and administration of the tool in case of “disaster recovery”
- Install the IBM Rational Telelogic Synergy tool
This course is for:
- Systems Administrators or
- Experienced Build Managers