We have helped our clients:
  • Increase productivity by 25-75%
  • Reduce development costs by 50-60%
  • Accelerate time to market by 20-40%

SAFe provided the agility, visibility, and transparency needed to ensure we could integrate with numerous other efforts, get predictable in our delivery, and ensure timelines are met.

David McMunn
Director of COE, Fannie Mae

Essentials of IBM Rational Rhapsody for Systems Engineers | Training

In this course you learn the techniques required to use the Systems Modeling Language (SysML V1.3) and Rational Rhapsody to solve a complex system engineering problem. Through the use of hands-on exercises creating “real world” applications, you build a strong foundation in SysML and Rhapsody. The process by which models are created is explored through the creation of a “real-world” systems engineering model. The essential SysML diagrams for Requirements Analysis, System Functional Analysis, System Design Synthesis, are explored in the exercises. In this course, you learn how to use Rhapsody to build a model of a filling station. New in this version of the course is the coverage of executable token-based activity diagrams, Metrics views, OSLC-based requirements linking and SysML 1.3 Proxy Ports and Interface Blocks.

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  • Learn the product in the context of a system engineering process flow to ensure you are comfortable applying Rhapsody at all phases of system analysis and design
  • Create systems level models with full traceability to oslc-based requirements, impact and coverage analysis
  • Validate systems models through execution
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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