Essentials of IBM Rational ClearCase for UNIX | Training
Essentials of IBM Rational ClearCase for UNIX is an instructor-led course that teaches you how to perform common day-to-day tasks using Rational® ClearCase®. It teaches you the concepts and skills developers need to successfully manage source code change in their development environments. This course provides you basic training in ClearCase functionality for those who intend to take more advanced courses in the ClearCase curriculum.
- Explain ClearCase concepts
- Set up their development workspace
- Access and work with files under source control
- Merge work to and from the integration workspace
- Create and work with snapshot views
- Configure workspaces for parallel development
- Perform advanced merge operations
- Apply ClearCase metadata including labels, attributes, and hyperlinks
- Generate ClearCase reports
- Manage software builds
This instructor-led, classroom course is intended for the following audience:
- Beginning Rational ClearCase users