We have helped our clients:
  • Increase productivity by 25-75%
  • Reduce development costs by 50-60%
  • Accelerate time to market by 20-40%

SAFe provided the agility, visibility, and transparency needed to ensure we could integrate with numerous other efforts, get predictable in our delivery, and ensure timelines are met.

David McMunn
Director of COE, Fannie Mae

Efficient Document Production with IBM ELO PUB | Training

This course provides an introduction to Rational Publishing Engine. It teaches participants how to generate documents that pull information from various sources, and how to design document templates to support the publishing needs in their company.

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You should have:

  • Basic knowledge about XML files and XML schema definitions
  • Some knowledge of Telelogic DOORS, Telelogic Tau, Rational RequisitePro, or Rational ClearQuest
  • Some knowledge of Object Oriented concepts such as inheritance and encapsulation


  • Use the Rational Publishing Engine Launcher to configure documentation generation for projects.
  • Generate documents that integrate information from various sources.
  • Design document templates that meet the document generation needs of the company.

This basic course is for:

  • Project support teams
  • System and software engineers
  • Program or project managers
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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