We have helped our clients:
  • Increase productivity by 25-75%
  • Reduce development costs by 50-60%
  • Accelerate time to market by 20-40%

SAFe provided the agility, visibility, and transparency needed to ensure we could integrate with numerous other efforts, get predictable in our delivery, and ensure timelines are met.

David McMunn
Director of COE, Fannie Mae

Building ELO PUB Templates | Packaged Service

Documentation can be burdensome, especially in highly-regulated industries with ever-increasing release schedule pressure. For organizations that utilize DOORS Classic, Rhapsody or the ELM suite offered by IBM, documentation automation is available. This can be achieved through the use of Engineering Lifecycle Optimization – Publishing (PUB). ELO PUB uses templates to scrap information from the aforementioned tools and put them in highly customized document layouts that are ready to be delivered to internal or external customers.

IBM Logo

321 Gang can create these templates and allow release documentation to be simplified to a single button click.

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See what 321 Gang can do for your business
